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Cake Recipes

  • DATE DIAMONDS (Imqaret)

  • Ingredients (For the pastry)

  • 400g flour
    75g sugar
    pinch baking powder
    100g margarine
    1 egg

  • For the Flling

  • 400g dates
    orange zest
    lemon zest
    some brandy or anisette
  • Method

  • Mix margarine, flour and baking powder together and work until smooth. Mix sugar and egg together,
    add to the flour and work to a smooth dough. Leave to rest for 2 hours.
    Put the dates with two tablespoons of water in a small pan and heat for a few minutes. Add zests and brandy and work the mixture with a fork.
    Open the pastry into long strips about lOcm wide.
    Brush the edges with water. Put a little filling in the centre. Fold pastry. Press both edges to keep the filling in. Using a ravioli cutter cut into large diamond shaped slices about 40cms long. Cook in plenty of hot oil until golden brown.

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